Soulmates APP

Classy socializing app for classy people.

Are you looking for soulmates, you can talk about pretty much anything? Just download the Soulmates App from the App Stores and get connected
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& get started!!

Why Choose Us?

Are you looking for soulmates, you can talk about pretty much anything? Just download the Soulmates App from the App Stores and get connected

Feed Interaction

Get noted by other users and react and rate profiles of interesting users.

Messaging Apps

Chat with the user, either bilateral or in chat groups.

Love Matching

Find your soulmates based on the interests you share in the application.

Find Nearby

Find soulmates around you with common interests and preferences.

How it works!

Are you looking for soulmates, you can talk about pretty much anything? Just download the Soulmates App from the App Stores and get connected

Navigation Bar Button

When clicking on this symbol this will open the navigation bar menu where you will find shortcuts to:
Home -
Share a button -
Inbox messages -
My account -

Favorite Button

This button will lead you to the overview of users you have marked as your favorites.

Find Match Button

This button starts search of soulmates matching your profile and your „I am interested for“ settings

User Search Button

With the user search button you will open a search window, where you can search users by name

Groups Button

When pressing the group button, you will reach the overview of available user groups

Chat Button

This button will lead you to the user chat screen, containing your chat history and open chat channels. Note: To start a chat with another user, you will have to visit a profile of another user, and press the chat/message button there..

My Profile Button

With pressing the Profle Button you will display data you have saved in your profile. From here you can add/edit/delete data from your profile

App Screenshot

Find classy people like you and get connected!

Soulmates APP

Are you looking for soulmates, you can talk about pretty much anything? Just download the Soulmates App from the App Stores and get connected

Scan this QR code
& get started!!

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